Cost of credit calculator Calculator

Loan Information

Facility Type
Facility Currency
Type of Interest Rate
Interest Rate (Cycle/Base)
Credit Repayment Frequency
Proposed Security for the Facility
Cost of Purchase
Deposit Paid
Amount Borrowed
'Interest Rate(%)
Requested Term of the Facilty (Months)
Asset Value

Bank Charges

(Fill in estimate rate or absolute value)

Rate %

Absolute Value

Negotiation Fees /Appraisal Fees
Annual Maintenance Fees
Mobile Banking Notification Charge
Other/Miscellaneous Charges

External Charges

(Fill in Third Party costs, estimates are provided as a % of the facility and collateral)

Rate %

Absolute Value

Credit Life Insurance
Legal Fees
Stamp Duty
Valuation Fees
Property Insurance Fee
Brokerage Fees
Motor Vehicle Insurance
Other/ Miscellaneous Charges